Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Going West for the 4th

Hello everyone! We’d like to let you all know some exciting news, hopefully that will brighten up your day with all of this dark, stormy weather. We have just gotten our acceptance letter for another craft show in Muskegon, MI for the weekend of the 4th. It’s called the Comerica Village Craft Market and runs from Friday, July 2nd to Sunday, July 4th. We are super excited to get over to the west side of the state and spend our 4th of July holiday enjoying the craft show!

So now, following my brother’s graduation party this weekend, we are all set for two weekends of big shows. Muskegon for the weekend of the 4th and Plymouth the following weekend! Looks like we are going to have a lot of work to do after this party is over.

Speaking of the graduation party… the girls of the family have been incredibly busy baking all kinds of cupcakes, cookies, and cake for the party deserts [and looking stylish doing so in our fun aprons of course]! I think I am going to go crazy from the smell of delicious homemade banana, strawberry, and chocolate cupcakes that I can’t eat! At least until the weekend that is…

Well, its back to the studio and kitchen for us! Hope you all have a lovely day today even though the weather is no good. If you’re looking for something fun to do today while stuck inside, I say bake a batch of cupcakes!

Until next time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Graduations Begin

After two weekends of art shows in the blazing heat, it feels good to slow down for a bit to get ourselves back on track and relax for a couple days. Even though we don’t have any shows this month, with my brother’s graduation and grad party coming up fast, our time for relaxing will certainly be over quick. So in addition to working on designing and creating products during the month of June, we will also be spending this month putting picture boards together, decorating, and cooking up a Mexican themed feast. Speaking of which… do any of you have suggestions on some good Mexican foods to serve in bulk?

I know one thing we are making is my Aunt’s Jalapeno Corn! Yum!

This is also a good month for getting us organized… my specialty. I’ve also been working on making TONS of flower headbands and ponytail holders. I love making these adorable flowers and I’ve even started making really tiny ones for necklace pendants. As soon as I get a bunch of them done I will take pictures and post them!

Since we’ve had this blog now for about three months, I’d like to finally leave you with a really good recipe to try out. My sister is the one who actually discovered it. She made these amazing chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes for our family’s Memorial Day get-together. (My family is really big on the chocolate-peanut butter combo if you didn’t know)

RECIPE (I'll put this in when I get back home)

Enjoy the cupcakes and have a lovely day!
